Our Destinations

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Om efteråret serveres der ny plukkede multebær, som er håndplukket af en ældre dame fra Finmarken, der leverer dem direkte til skibet. I December bliver vejret mere tørt og normalt er der masser af sne.

Vi lander sidst på formiddagen, og fra lufthavnen kører vi i bus mod byens hjerte, havnefronten og Fisketorvet. Skib DFDS Seaways: København Oslo Stena Line: Frederikshavn - Oslo Fjordline: Hirtshals - Bergen Tog Bergensbanen fra Oslo til Bergen. Du kan sagtens drikke vandet fra hanen om bord.

Norges kyst - Kahytter er tilgængelige fra kl. Ønsker du fly til andre destinationer, hjælper vi gerne med dette.

The picturesque harbor of Svolvær is overlooking the Vestfjord. Enjoy visiting a fishing village where age-old seagoing traditions still are preserved. The surrounding islands, steep mountains, beautiful beaches and sheltered bays offer opportunities to take part in a number of exciting activities. Shops, galleries, cafes and restaurants are scattered throughout the city. The locals usually go out for lunch, and in weekends the town is teeming with life. This was the reason for the development of this small coastal town. The average catch used to be 40-50 million kg. Now the catch varies from year to year, ranging between 25-50 million kilos. Today, there are less than 3,000 fishermen compared to 20,000 in 1947, much due to larger and more efficient fishing vessels. The rich array of industries are all linked to fish processing, fishing itself and boat traffic. Svolvær is not just a center for fishing. In the winter streets are full of skiers on their way to the winter sports center, as well as artists who flock here for the local scenery, the colourful street life and, perhaps more than anything else, the light. The most famous symbol of Lofoten and Svolvær, Svolværgeita, is a favourite spot for mountain climbers in summer. Climbers from all over the world come here to jump between the two horns of the peak. One of the highlights during the winter is the annual cod fishing festival. History The first town establishment known in Northern Norway, Vågar, was situated around the narrow, natural harbor just west of Svolvær. Vågar is mentioned in the book 'Heimskringla' by Snorri Sturlason and might have been established as early as the year 800. One of the first churches in North Norway was most likely built here, approximately 900 years ago. Svolvær is first mentioned in 1567 'Suoluer' , but it is probably much older. The Old Norse form of the name is assumed to be Svǫlver, probably derived from svalr, which means 'cool' or 'chilly', and ver, which means 'fishing village'. The great cod fisheries in winter have always been the most important economical foundation. Svolvær was an important fishing village for a long time, and was the basis for the town status granted in 1918.

Hurtigruten 1984: (Etterlysning) Hvor er du Danseglad gutt
Hurtigruten besøger 34 havne op langs kysten, og de har en unik mulighed for at få friske råvarer fra lokale leverandører hver eneste dag. Skibene besøger hvor mtes hurtigruten række havne undervejs, hvor du får mulighed for at prøve kræfter med en række klassiske vintersports aktiviteter. Our responsible heritage, highly-skilled crew and diverse fleet enable us to take you from polar regions in the High Arctic, across to Europe and the Americas, and down to the end of the Earth, Antarctica. Men nu tilbyder Hurtigruten et nyt middags alternativ. Her kan du nyde treenigheden mellem de sneklædte fjelde, nordlyset og genskinnet i havets overflade. Vi afslutter turen med et fotostop på Prestefjeldet, hvorfra du kan nyde udsigten over byen. De efterfølgende tre år blev Ålesund genopbygget af tyske og norske arkitekter i tidens arkitektoniske medico art nouveau - også kendt som jugendstil. Den bedste måde at opleve nordlysets magi er ved at tage en tur med Hurtigruten, der sejler langs Norges Kyst.